My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. My country is made up of […]

A Battle Cry for Freedom
·“A day that will live in infamy,” President Roosevelt said. And, indeed, it has and will. A surprise attack by Japanese aircraft against the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor triggered the United States’ entrance into World War II. As I watch old film clips and read first-hand accounts, I can imagine the shock […]

Frosty Roofs, Warm Hearths
·The sun shines on white, frosty roofs this morning. No matter the color of the shingles, they all look the same–cold! But, under the frigid rooftops, inside the house, I hope there is warmth and love and comfort. Just in case we have forgotten, this is Presidents’ Day, but it isn’t the birthday of […]
Just Who Do You Think You Are?
·Do you ever feel like a tiny Who in Dr. Seuss’ beloved book, Horton Hears a Who? Don’t let anyone ever make you think that you’re unimportant. You have infinite worth and value. So, hold your head up, put on a determined grin and move forward with life. Whether you are on the west or […]

Do You Know Who You Are?
·Who is coming today? Why, the Cozy Critters! The coffee pot will be on, the hundred-year old table will be waiting. I look forward to hearing what Jane, Peg, Carolyn, and Nancy have been reading or writing or painting. They will definitely liven up this old house of mine. As I looked at past blog […]
A Storm to Clear the Air
·The air last night was oppressive, hot, humid. It was no fun to be outside. Then, from the north, the storm clouds came, closer and closer. A light rain began, then a shower. Lightning flashed. A huge crash of thunder sent Nemo running to me, looking wild-eyed. Wind battered trees and houses. But, it passed […]