The world is sort of seething with restless, unhappy people. Our country seems among the most restless as people are being told they may have been taken advantage of and should see themselves as victims. Other people are afraid that perhaps they are guilty for wrong thoughts and attitudes, although they’ve never been aware that […]
His Name Was Clint
·His name was Clinton Lee Day. He was my oldest nephew, Mom and Dad’s first grandchild and we thought he was pretty special. He had big, brown eyes with amazingly long lashes. He was slim and quick and had a laugh that made everyone around him want to laugh too. He visited us often when […]

Also the Ones Left Behind
·This morning, I salute the noble ones, the ones who fought, bled and died for freedom, and the wives, mothers, children who stayed behind, facing each day with prayer and faith, and determination. When I see Old Glory flying or hear The Star Spangled Banner. I think of one nation, bound together in our belief […]

A Day That Will Live in Infamy
·“A day that will live in infamy,” President Roosevelt said. And, indeed, it has and will. A surprise attack by Japanese aircraft against the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor triggered the United States’ entrance into World War II, December 7, 1941. As I watch old film clips and read first-hand accounts, I can imagine […]

·Today, I want to salute the common American citizen and suggest to you that he or she is anything but common and is, in fact, an outstanding example that many would do well to follow. I salute the men and women who get up each day, go to a job, support a family, and do […]

That’s America to Me
·My grandparents once owned a store and lived in a house across the road. The house and store are gone now, but the memories of it still survive. I remember being in it as a child and it seemed awfully big, dark, and exciting. The candy counter and the bright-colored sweets with the scales my […]