Are you feeling a-wash this morning? All at sea? Here’s a repeat of someone you might sympathize with. Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg beginning just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe […]
A Gathering Place
Are there times when you long for the warmth of a friendly home, the sincerity of a smile, the familiarity of people and a certain place, the knowledge that you are welcome? Do you ever turn to a well-loved book to recapture that comfort? I do. I go to Mary Roberts Rinehart. How many times […]

Pete and Pat
·Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg that began just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe even older. Pete had a trusty gang of men as gnarly as they come, They lived on […]

What Happened?
·Murder By Moonlight may be my favorite book, out of the eight I’ve written. Have you read it? If you haven’t, I hope you do. It’s on Amazon. If you’ve read this latest cozy, I’m sure you can answer this fun quiz. A question and two possible answers. See if you can pick the right […]