What has happened to the family dinner table? Is it there somewhere in the dining room, feeling lonely and neglected? In my opinion, it should be the focal point of togetherness. I’m privileged to have my mother’s dining table. It is well over a hundred years old, rescued from obscurity when she saw it on […]
The First Basic Right
Tomorrow is Sanctity of Life Sunday, begun by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It is a day to commemorate the sacredness of human life and call attention to the many lives lost due to abortion. I am unashamedly pro-life. I believe I’ve heard all the arguments from pro-choice people. I don’t wish to hear more. […]

In My Mother’s Bible
·In uncertain times, we need an anchor, something unchangeable that we can cling to. It helps to have reminders that people have gone through hard times before now and survived. My granddaughter, as well as some nieces and nephews, are interested in genealogy. In trying to answer their questions, I turn to the place where […]

A Special Day
Yesterday would have been my mother, Susie Latty Day’s, birthday and if she were here, I’d bake her favorite dessert–lemon pie. The lilac bush at her house in Tahlequah is blooming now and that’s fitting because she loved lilacs. In fact, when she was sixteen, her dear Aunt Ettie, Tettle, she called that aunt, […]

The Importance of Dad
Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God knew he would be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]