Sometimes, it’s nice to look back and remember some particularly good times. When the Cozy Critters got together, there were good times a-plenty. This is a remembrance of one of those times, a few years ago. Good friends, all. When four friends meet on a fall day, bringing with them their outlooks on life, the […]

Boldly Braving the Cold
·Yesterday, I wrote about the approach of winter’s cold. This morning, the unwelcome visitor has arrived. We only thought spring was on its way. I mean, anyone would have thought so–February is drawing to a close, March is just around the corner, but weather is unpredictable and pretty much does what it wants. Did Nancy, […]

Art, Books, Cookies and Coffee
·When four friends meet on a fall day, bringing with them their outlooks on life, the books they’ve read, and the paintings they’ve painted, plus a few original writings, well, what could be better? The coffee and sugar cookies helped, of course, but conversation carried the day. Jane, Carolyn, and Peg came through the door, […]

Horses, Paintings, and Nashville
·Yesterday was that special time again–the Cozy Critters gathered for our critique! The paintings at the top are by Carolyn Bayley, who was commissioned to paint them and a few more. So, Carolyn is going to be very busy. She came bringing gifts that few people can give any more–farm-fresh eggs. Carolyn lives on a […]

Coffee, Three Women, a Cow, and a Pig
·Chewing her cud, Edith would answer, “No, that can’t be! I’m one of the finest milk cows you’ll ever hope to see. But, it doesn’t matter, Winnie, whether we are bovine or swine. If we ‘hang together as friends’, we’ll always be fine.” Those lines are a part of the poem, Edith and Winnie, […]

Through My Art Gallery
What does a mystery writer do when she isn’t writing? Does she slip through darkened streets following clues? Does she listen in on conversations, waiting to hear a phrase or a question to incite the plot of a new book? Well, maybe. But if she really wants to relax and take a brief respite from […]