She was born Lydia Head in South Carolina in 1824 and married James Barker in 1847. Lydia and James worked on their farm in Georgia. Life must have been hard but good for Lydia until something happened to change it all. The Barker family was about to go to church. James was sitting in the […]

Oils and Thinking
·It had been a long time since I’d painted in oils. Oh, I’d gotten canvas boards, paints, brushes, all the paraphernalia, but then, I just left them tucked away. The thing of it was, I was intimidated. Pencil sketches, watercolors, Prismacolor–all those media were familiar to me, as oil once was, so why did I […]

No Oxen; Clean Stall
My backyard, like my grandchildren, has grown through stages. A horse tire swing once hung by a tree limb, a swimming pool sat under the maple, a playground set took up a hunk of the back yard. Then, there were muddy places, bare of grass which were obstacle courses for small cars and trucks, a […]

Waiting for Old Man Winter
·Here I sit–waiting. And looking out of my window on the world. Everything is about the same color–gray. It isn’t, really, I guess–the leaves are brown, neighbor’s house is red brick and his car is black but, if you’ll forgive my saying so, everything looks blah and gray. Is the weatherman right or will he […]

When the Sun Shines, It Shines for Everyone
The title of this blog is a quote by Ziggy Marley. This was one of the contributions Carolyn brought to Wednesday’s meeting. She also brought a lot of other things, as you will see. Long before the Cozy Critters arrived, the table was set, candle lit, coffee made, candy in little serving dishes. All was […]