Fly, Owlbert! Owlbert liked his dark, cozy home in the old oak tree. It was comfortable; it was warm. He slept all day and at night, Mama and Papa Owl brought him tasty morsels. What more could one small owl ask? “It’s time to learn to fly, Owlbert,” Mother owl hooted softly. “All little owlets […]

Fly, Owlbert!
·Fly, Owlbert! Owlbert liked his dark, cozy home in the old oak tree. It was comfortable; it was warm. He slept all day and at night, Mama and Papa Owl brought him tasty morsels. What more could one small owl ask? “It’s time to learn to fly, Owlbert,” Mother owl hooted softly. “All little owlets […]

Who Said Owls?
·Lying in bed that night with the breeze fanning my face, I began to relax. The cool air felt as soothing as my mother’s hand when, in younger years, I was sick with a fever. Sighing, I burrowed into my pillow. Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had […]

Who, Me?
·My friend said every time she sees an owl, she thinks of me. Who–oo, me? Well, it could be worse. Actually, I’m flattered because I greatly admire owls. They have a lot of amazing attributes and are thought to be slightly mysterious. Or, could it be because of their never-ending question, Who? I am certainly […]

Least Said, Soonest Mended
·“Least said, soonest mended” is an idiom I think of a lot. It’s useful in many situations. Something is more easily forgotten if it’s not mentioned; feelings are less apt to be hurt if thoughts are kept to oneself; words once spoken can’t be taken back; angry words left unspoken don’t have to be forgiven. […]

Early Morning
·In the early morning darkness, a dove calls. It’s a homey sound. The robins are quiet, maybe busy with their nests and feeding babies. I like the stillness of early morning, before the business of the day. I like to think about possibilities and dreams. Nemo roams the yard with me, his wonderful nose telling […]