I set the boxes on the dining table and got the kitchen scissors from the drawer. Sitting down next to Chris, I proceeded to open the first box. Inside lay a small bundle wrapped in purple velvet and tied with a faded ribbon. I carefully unrolled it. “It’s a ring,” Chris said, as I held […]

Chapter Seven — The Key
·Mrs. Covington flicked a switch and light flooded the basement. Chris muttered, “Wow!” I simply stared. Wall to wall furniture filled this big underground room. Narrow aisles allowed walking space. “Right over here,” our hostess said, leading the way to a small, old-fashioned pump organ. Dust lay over the top and on the lid covering […]

Chapter Six–The Key
·Jeanette, the attendant behind the desk at Aunt Kezzie’s nursing home, smiled at Chris and me. “Miss Val! How are you? I miss seeing you, you were such a regular visitor to Miss Kezzie. I miss her too.” I introduced Chris and told Jeanette we were wondering if Aunt Kezzie talked to her much, perhaps […]