Don’t stumble over that ugly old rock of criticism and pessimism. Don’t ignore it and try to go around it. Climb on top of it and make it not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone. Glean anything valuable from it and disregard the rest. Don’t you dare let it dampen your day in any […]

Jan 28, 2017
Optimism and Frogs
By 2 Comments
· What does optimism have to do with frogs? It all depends upon the situation. I’ve posted this poem once before. I didn’t write it but for those of us needing to read something besides gloom, doom, agony, crying, and criticism, this probably bears repeating. Two frogs fell into a deep cream bowl; One was an optimistic […]
Jun 20, 2013
The Optimistic Frog
By 1 Comment
· We all need encouragement now and then; a pat on the back, a reminder that things will get better, a compliment for a job well done or even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Being a writer is a lonely business; it’s just me and that computer page, daring me to […]