Blaming Bill for Every Ill

Blaming Bill for Every Ill

I’m glad Bill came to visit; he’s such a useful guest. Others may not like him and think him quite the pest. But I use him as the reason for each and every ill. For all the bad that happens, I say, “Just blame Bill.” And, may I say that Tropical Storm Bill just down yonder off the […]

Coffee Mugs and Early Morning

Coffee Mugs and Early Morning

I sit at my computer, looking at the sun slant across my neighbor’s lawn and am grateful they didn’t cut their blue spruce when, a few years ago, it didn’t look too well. I don’t think blue spruces particularly favorite warm climates, preferring states cooler than Arkansas. However, this tree looks beautiful particularly in winter […]

Sunday Soliloquy

Sunday Soliloquy

That title is not exactly right because a soliloquy is talking to oneself and, although in a way I’m doing that, I’m also sharing with you, my visitors. Anyhow, I was just wondering why people do, say, act, as they do. And, of course, no one acts the same in every circumstance. But it seems […]



The new cover picture on my Facebook page is capturing the imagination of some people. In fact, one viewer is making a meme out of it. That picture was taken at Glendalough, an ancient monastic settlement in Ireland. The day my church group and I went, it was raining and cool, as was usual in October. […]



We all looked pretty normal, those of us at the NWA Writers’ Workshop in Fayetteville yesterday. Just glancing at us, nobody would suspect that we wore camouflage, that behind the friendly smiles lurked other people–the creators of other worlds, excitement, danger and daring deeds. On second thought, we would have been suspect because after all, that’s what writers do. Fog […]

A Valentine for My Country

A Valentine for My Country

If I could, I would give a Valentine to my country, the United States of America. Even though I am fearful of the direction this old Ship of State is going, I have faith, not in men but in God, that we will once again turn to Him as our Captain and He will steer […]