A Mighty Mysterious Moon

A Mighty Mysterious Moon

This weekend we are supposed to have another of those blue moons. Now, a blue moon isn’t really blue; it’s what the second full moon in a month is called. Of course, this brought to mind my first Ned McNeil adventure, Moonlight Can Be Murder. I’ve re-read one of the Amazon 5-star reviews: Blanche Day Manos […]

Cleaning Out and Throwing Away

Cleaning Out and Throwing Away

An old lean-to shed is attached to the back of my house. It was there when my husband and I moved into this house.  It looked decrepit then and it looks even more decrepit now. It is an eyesore. However, it is on the back of the house, not seen by many, and it has been a handy place […]

A This and That Thursday

A This and That Thursday

This is the National Day of Prayer. Our country needs prayers as never before. These ancient, beautiful words are so very true today when we see the bedrock values that have always been our base as a country being turned upside down.  “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and […]

Overcoming Tragedy

Overcoming Tragedy

Yesterday was the 96-year anniversary of the tornado that destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma. I wrote about that sad event when I was writing feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press, in the 1980s. The newspaper story was my blog post here on this site on May 2, three years ago. Yesterday, I put a link to that […]

Beautiful, Bountiful Books

Beautiful, Bountiful Books

Six of us gathered around the hundred-year old table yesterday for our time of critiquing. Fortified with coffee and cookies, we Cozy Critters enjoyed an especially hilarious two hours. I think we were glad to all be together again. Jane, fresh from her Chicago trip, had much to share. She read a recent poem, “The Longest […]

The Blotting Paper Syndrome

The Blotting Paper Syndrome

Long, long ago, back in the Dark Ages when I was young, we had a writing utensil known as a fountain pen. In fact, I still have one or two tucked away somewhere. The pens got the job done and worked great but they required a blotter. You see, the ink from a fountain pen had to dry or […]