The Fly Who Came to Stay

The Fly Who Came to Stay

  The Fly Who Came to Stay by Blanche Day Manos, who takes full responsibility for this goofy piece In my neck of the woods, everything gets ornery in the summertime. Critters, humans, even bugs are easy riled. There’s nothing like the heat of a white-orange sun blazing down from a copper-colored sky to make […]

First Day of Summer, a Cup of Coffee, and You

First Day of Summer, a Cup of Coffee, and You

  My northern family is becoming immersed in Arkansas culture. We’ve been to three museums, to historic places, to fun places, and we have been On-the-Go. Yesterday was no exception. I am amazed at the ingenuity, courage, talent, and optimism of our ancestors and all the people who have gone before us. They have given […]

My Dad, My Rock

My Dad, My Rock

His character was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.  He was stubborn and he could be stern. He didn’t talk an awfully lot but he had a keen sense of humor and liked a good joke. And whatever he said, I knew was the truth. The whole world might be wrong, but not my […]

Is It Night or Is It Morning?

Is It Night or Is It Morning?

  It is so dark this morning! Rain falls and thunder grumbles through the clouds. Wonderful rain! How we need it. Reading, writing–both go much better with rain. So, I’m going to grab a second cup of Folgers, settle down in front of the computer, and see what Ned is doing over in Ednalee this […]

A Bolt Out of the Blue

A Bolt Out of the Blue

Go inside the house if a thunderstorm approaches. Don’t stand under a tree to get out of the rain. If you can’t find a safe indoor place, hunker down on the ground, making as small a target as possible. We all know you shouldn’t mess around with lightning. Yet, on this date in 1752, Ben […]

What a Dream!

What a Dream!

I realize this was from three years ago, but when it popped up on “Memories” and I re-read, I thought it was too good not to re-share. Oh, my goodness!   Okay, all you dream analyzers, have I got a doozy for you! I’m not quite sure how it all started but danger was involved […]