This is the second and final installment of my May 5, 1985 Daily Press article about the tornado which destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma on May 2, 1920. In 1920, Walter Neel lived with his parents, brothers and sisters on the Gid Morgan farm, two and a fourth miles southeast of Peggs. The storm went a mile […]
The Easter Egg Tree
·The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to be included in The Heritage of Etta Bend in 1989. It was spring, […]

A Memory Stone
·It rests in my herb garden, a memory stone, reminding me of where it came from and the reason it is here. It’s a reminder of a time past–a slower, quieter time when life was different from the way life is now. It brings memories of the strong, good people who owned the farm where […]

·Time! What is it? We can’t see it, but it is the most precious gift we have. How much time do we have? Only God knows. What we do with our allotted time is pretty much up to us. I still have this little Hallmark date book that I got way back in the 1950s. […]

A Wish Written in Stone
·Oklahoma and Arkansas have interesting, sometimes violent histories. History isn’t dead or dull; it is part of where we are today and how we came to be this way, and it’s fun to go exploring, backward, into the lives and times of those who lived and died before us. Just across the state line […]

Someone Other Than Yourself
·Did you ever say something and, as soon as it was out of your mouth, wondered if that was you who said it? It sure didn’t sound like you; it sounded like someone else. Or, acted in a certain way and, looking back, couldn’t believe you had done that? Surely, it was someone other than […]