February is just one of those months! It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. Of course, there are some bright spots–Presidents’ Day and Valentine’s Day and the dear old groundhog who’d probably still be sleeping if he weren’t pulled from his warm burrow to face […]

Keep the Cold From Creeping In

Looking Into the Face of Evil
Evil lived in the heart of someone in Ednalee. What does the face of evil look like, Ned wondered. Among those smiling faces at the luncheon, did a friendly countenance hide a dark heart? Was someone planning Bessiebelle’s death before the luncheon or did something there spur the murder? Did Bessiebelle herself bring on her […]

And Then There Were Six
With the release of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon in a few more days, the number of books I’ll have written will increase to six. And, do you know, I believe I like Fright more than any of them. (Please keep in mind I say this about each book as I finish.) There’s […]

The Mist and the Mystery of a Far Off Island
I imagine a mist is rising over the river and lake. It’s an Ireland kind of morning. The ground is damp with rain, the air is crisp and cool. All that I can see is quiet and lovely, a grand spring morning, but beneath the stillness and calm, mystery lurks. Always, mystery. And, that, dear […]

Peeling Back the Layers of Time
Those of us fascinated by history like to peel back the layers of time. Year by year, century by century, people live, die, buildings are built and then fall victim to a disaster or, by chance, survive. Going forward, we add to the layers of history but going backward, ah! There is the fascination. I haven’t […]

It Could Have Been Worse
I’ve noticed of late that a certain phrase has become a standard part of my vocabulary. I used it this morning when I saw from the news report that last night’s blizzard in the Northeast, although bad enough, was not quite as fierce as had been predicted. When I looked at last month’s gas bill, […]