I’ll bet when you were in kindergarten, you were a real stinker–the kind that caused your teacher to pull her hair and your classmates to giggle. You know why? Because some of those traits still linger, hanging about your personality like so many threads dangling from a well-worn jacket. These were my thoughts this morning […]

Meandering Thoughts on Animals
·It’s fun to notice the behavior of animals and wonder just how much they know. In looking back at a past post, I found this from my neighbor Peg: She was watering a lilac bush and she noticed a hummingbird flying in the spray. Afraid that the force of the water would hurt the fragile […]

I’ll Bet When You Were in Kindergarten…
·I’ll bet when you were in kindergarten, you were a real stinker–the kind that caused your teacher to pull her hair and your classmates to giggle. You know why? Because some of those traits still linger, hanging about your personality like so many threads dangling from a well-worn jacket. These were my thoughts this morning […]