November dawns dark and soggy here in NW Arkansas. In fact, it’s pretty perfect. Have you ever noticed how a light in a window glows even brighter on a dark day? Or the golden maple tree out front, or the blaze in the fireplace? What would we do without light on these days? What […]

October is a Golden-Haired Girl
·If you participated in the Mysteries with an Extra Shiver pen giveaway and you don’t receive your pen this week, please let me know. I’ll get one in the mail to you forthwith. If October is a golden-haired girl with sunlight on her shoulders, she is preparing to leave the stage to her older […]

A Damp, Dark Beginning to November
·Today’s post is a repeat of a past post but I thought you might enjoy it once again. The sun still hasn’t managed to tip the treetops. Somewhere in the east, it is slowly making its way to the horizon but it isn’t there yet. And, although the weatherman says rain won’t move in […]

Tidying Up the End of a Month
·The coffee pot chuffs and chuckles as it finishes brewing those energizing cups of Folgers. I push my mug under the spout and relish the aroma. Hot, black and satisfying, it marks the start of a brand new day. I carry my warm mug back to the computer, set it on the desk, and think […]

Wednesday Ramblings
·My Wednesday thoughts are ramblings, here, there, and all over the place. Yesterday, Matt, Nathan and I took advantage of the warm weather to bone up on our basketball skills. Actually, the boys did a lot more shooting baskets than I did but, for an old lady, I wasn’t too bad. The best part was […]

Crows and Jays
·Ah, November. Ah, November rain! Yesterday morning’s rain was brief and the day turned mostly clear and chilly. This morning, however, the rain sounds like it means business. So, I started thinking about things having to do with November and fall and rain. I don’t notice it so much here in town but at Manos […]