November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom. Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. Here in NW Arkansas, the temperature is rather nippy […]
Are You Okay?
Are you okay this morning? Did you survive Halloween, full moon, time change, and the small earthquakes in Oklahoma, Texas, California, and Alaska? Take a deep breath, look around, and enjoy this first day of November–a brand-new month, a momentous month for several reasons. Happy birthday to all my readers whose birthday comes this month. […]

Good-bye, October
·Generally speaking, I don’t like good-byes, but this is the last day of October 2020. So, of necessity, it’s good-bye and tomorrow, it’ll be hello to a brand new month. Maybe it’ll be a month of healing and prosperity in all areas of life. I hope. October is leaving as a dampish month in Arkansas. […]

It May Be a Dark and Stormy Night
·The little lost owl is found! It’s an answer to prayer. I should have realized that this owl, who likes dark places and has wonderful night vision, might be hiding in a place where it felt at ease. That’s where I found it at last–under some sweaters and against the baseboard in a closet. […]

Weather Lore and the Gift of Books
·Interesting weather lore from Farmer’s Almanac: If there be ice in November that will bear a duck, there will be nothing thereafter but sleet and muck. Some of my friends just to the north are having snow already. And, we may see a few flakes today or Monday. It’s three degrees above freezing this […]

Making November Memories
·Where do you go when you need a break from the here and now? Do you pick up a book or close your eyes and think about a place you’ve been or maybe a place you’d like to see some day? Books are wonderful vacations, and so is just letting the mind wander. I like […]