November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom. Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. November’s full moon is the Beaver Moon. Fun Old […]
November Song
This last day of November dawns cloudy and rainy. Brown leaves lie on a soggy ground. A wind stirs damp tree limbs. It’s still dark this morning, but Christmas lights dot the darkness here and there. Nemo has been out and is now in, rather wet, but he doesn’t mind the rain as long as […]
Looking High and Low
I’ve lost something! I am embarrassed to tell you what it is because I should have kept it in a safe place and I thought I did. So, to help with the frustration, I’ve found a rhyme flitting through my head. Before I lose it too, I’ve captured it and put it on this page, […]
The sun still hasn’t managed to tip the treetops. Somewhere in the east, it is slowly making its way to the horizon but it isn’t there yet. We’ve had our first really cold snap and what will the future hold, weather-wise? Hard to say. Don’t forget that tomorrow it’s time to fall back an hour! […]

New November
·November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom. Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. November’s full moon is the Beaver Moon. Fun Old […]
Frost and Friendship
·Frost is spread over rooftops this morning. Fingers of tree shadows stretch across brown leaves on lawns. In its final two days, November is saying good-bye in a chilly way. This is the day I need to bring one of my plants inside. All summer, I thought it was a geranium, but now that it […]