This is a damp, dark morning as the year fades into memory. Do you ever wake up in the morning with a song on your mind for no apparent reason? This morning, I woke up with You’ll Never Know, a 1943 song, running through my head. It’s a very pretty love song, but what that […]

A Satisfying Cup of Memories
·The Christmas tree, decorations, Santa gourds, Christmas candles, are all packed away. Some people leave everything up until January 6, Twelfth Night, but I’ve never done that. When another year rolls around, I like to have the old year snugly put away. This was a wonderful Christmas, a time of being with my family. I […]

Oh! My Stars and Garters!
·Oh, my stars and garters! Would you believe it is three degrees? Here in NWArkansas, it is Cold. Nemo and I fed and watered the birds. When I stepped on the deck, a floor board popped like a shot. I guess it was in a frozen state and resented being walked on. Today, I plan […]

Striding Boldly into 2017
·Happy January 2, 2017! There! That’s the first time I’ve written 2017 and it wasn’t hard at all. Now, if I can just keep doing that. I remember when the year 2,000 rolled around…for someone born in the sort-of-mid 1900s, that was hard to do. So, after that milestone, surely 2017 won’t be so difficult […]