A new year is waiting to make its appearance Sunday and the old year is getting ready to be put away and assigned to memory. We all hope for a better year in every aspect of life. We face 2023 with a great deal of resolutions, wishes, and perhaps a few old tales just to […]
A Look at Hope
Every morn is a fresh beginning; every day is the world made new. You who are weary of sorrow and sinning, here is a wonderful hope for you, a hope for me and a hope for you. — Susan Coolidge This old year is near to closing out. It’s been a year of sameness, […]
A Writer’s Resolutions
·I firmly resolve and forswear to work hard at sharpening my writing skills by never, ever writing run-on sentences unless they are called for by content of the story or one of the characters steps up and says he is going to say thus and so causing the sentence to become first a paragraph, then […]

New Every Morning
·New Every Morning Every day is a fresh beginning, Listen my soul to the glad refrain. And, spite of old sorrows And older sinning, Troubles forecasted And possible pain, Take heart with the day and begin again. Susan Coolidge

In An Icebox
·Brrr and double brrr. It’s a white world outside, just enough snow to cover things and a few lazy flakes still drifting down. Temperature? Well, it’s shivering somewhere around thirteen degrees and I feel like I’m in an icebox. The thermometer sank two degrees in about three minutes last night. However, the biting cold didn’t […]

Firmly Resolving
·The characters in my books have no hang-ups about expressing their opinions or, as it turns out, their New Year’s resolutions. Yesterday, those from Levi, Oklahoma spoke up. Today, a few from Ednalee tell us what they hope for the year 2022. Ned McNeil: My cell phone–I am going to try never to forget to have […]