Hey, Cozy Mystery fans! Here’s a continuing excerpt from my current work in progress. Heroine is Miss Tootsie. Time is 1920s. Place: small town. Chapter Five The sun shone warm against Miss Tootsie’s face as she trudged down the hill toward the bakery on Monday morning. Cocoa wasn’t with her. The little dog had […]

A Noise After Supper
·Chapter 5 Abigail kept up a continual chatter as she fixed supper. Miss Georgia offered to help. “Thank you, yes. Would you mind making your delicious pie crust? I’ll use these blackberries I canned from last summer. We’ll have a blackberry cobbler to top off our pork chops.” Miss Georgia was surprised to find how […]

The Figure on the Stairs
·Murder By Moonlight is finished, except for tweaks, edits, and a general buffing. Here’s a snippet. I hope you like it. Why had I listened to Daisy Stanton? “You don’t have to take this assignment, Ned,” she had said when we met for coffee at Grandy’s last week.” Here she paused and sighed. “I […]

A Shadow on the Rock
·Miss Georgia Lee closed her valise with a snap. Standing up from her desk, she gazed around at her empty classroom for the last time. Pictures and maps were down from the walls, except for the two pictures of Presidents George Washington and Woodrow Wilson. The chalkboard was washed clean, erasers had been dusted and […]

The Noise of the Celebration
Firecrackers! Sky rockets! Light up the July sky! It’s celebration time. Moonstruck and Murderous is on Amazon, ready to go onto library shelves, eager hands, and your home. The print version is available now, but the ebook is sure to follow shortly. If you haven’t been to Amazon.com and taken a peek, now’s the time. […]