The nightmare jolted me awake. This is the opening line of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon and last night, it was quite literally true. An awful nightmare, which I shall not recount to you, woke me. I came to the sofa, went back to sleep, and, although I didn’t sleep well, didn’t dream the same thing […]

Old as Time; New Every Morning
·It sounds like a riddle, doesn’t it? What’s as old as time, yet new every morning? But, it isn’t a riddle and it isn’t something hard and convoluted. It’s really quite simple–it’s love. Recently, my niece sent me some photos she found in her mom and dad’s album. As I looked through old family pictures, […]

That Shivery, Silvery, Spooky Old Moon
What strange and shivery things happen under the light of the silvery moon? What frightful shadows move quickly across the grass only to disappear in the darkness of the trees? Was it only a nightmare or was Ned McNeil in very real danger from something unknown? Sure enough, yesterday the UPS man delivered the […]

A Frightfully Cozy Countdown
·The countdown is on for the release of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. And, wait til you see the cover. I love it. The picture tells a story in itself. Take a good look at the poster from my publisher. Does it whet your curiosity? We’ve all heard the adage, “You can’t tell a book […]

·GRAVE HERITAGE LAUNCHES At last, the long-awaited day is here. Thank you, fans of Darcy and Flora, for waiting patiently for this fourth book, Grave Heritage, for pre-ordering, and for telling your friends of the publishing date! It seems a long time since Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker whispered in my ear their ideas for the next […]