A completed book, all shiny and new with an enticing cover, meticulously edited didn’t just happen by a wave of a wand or a snap of the fingers. The second Ned McNeil cozy mystery was a cozy that almost wasn’t. My friends in my critique group, The Cozy Critters, had a lot to do with […]
Jun 8, 2020
The Cozy Mystery That Almost Wasn’t
Filed Under: Mysteries · Tagged: clean mysteries, Manos, mystery authors, mystery books, mystery writers, new authors, new books

Sep 10, 2016
A Rumble Through the Heavens
The leaves, grass, sidewalk are all washed clean this morning. Everything is very, very still, except for a rumble of thunder in the heavens. Fall is inching its way in and crowding out summer. My new neighbors, just across the street, are energetic, friendly young people. They love to bicycle. Just now, they’ve wheeled their […]
Filed Under: Musings · Tagged: cats, Darcy and Flora, earthquake, inspirational, Manos mysteries, mysteries, new authors, new books, rain