For some reason, my protagonists, Darcy, Flora, Nettie, are always running into problems. Well, let’s be honest – they run into lots of problems and that’s what makes the story. They face danger, death, and desperation with the same fear and trembling that you or I would but, due to their firm resolve to […]

A Legacy of Reading
What is your legacy? What did you inherit? What was handed down to you from someone in your past? A hefty bank account? A home? A prized possession? Or, was it something more intangible and even more precious? I like watching The Antiques Roadshow. It’s always heart-warming when an item is brought to the show […]

That Busy Little May Bee
Yesterday, the first day of May, came in just as it should with lots of sun, cool temperatures and a feeling of optimism, of looking forward to what the spring will bring. Long ago, children wound brightly colored ribbons around a Maypole on the first day of May. My mother told me that she and […]

Shadows Lurking in the Fog
·Out of these twenty days of December, two have been sunny. Guess what we have lurking around the corners of the house this morning, settling down over treetops, seeping into autumn’s leaves? Gray, wet, cold, impenetrable fog! Yet again. Where is the sun? Is it still up there? Even Rudolph’s red nose would need several […]