In these fourteen years, I like to think I’ve taught Nemo a lot but I know for sure, that he has taught me more! Food is good. Enjoy it! But try to remember, it’s best to chew before swallowing. Relaxation is also good for mind and spirit and legs; be prepared to relax […]

The Robin on the Birdbath
This morning, Nemo and I took my cup of coffee to the deck (actually, I took the coffee, Nemo just took his magnificent self) and sat down to contemplate the complexities of the world. The most pressing question was Why was a certain robin sitting on the edge of the birdbath for such a long […]
When Courage is a Must
This is another rainy morning and earlier, it was a rainy, stormy morning with thunder booming around the clouds. My pal Nemo the Furry One is not a fan of storms. Since his hearing is almost non-existent, he isn’t afraid of those loud sounds any more, but I’m convinced that he feels atmospheric change or […]
Whatever the Weather
The morning is still dark and it’s nice to see the friendly lights from neighbors’ windows. I hope others find my lighted house to be the same. The weather is interesting. It has just started raining and there’s snow in the rain! So, what will the day be, weather-wise? We’ll just have to wait and […]
From Nemo’s Mouth
Food is good. Enjoy it. Any time is a good time for a nap. If you don’t catch a squirrel today, there’s always tomorrow. A short walk restores the soul. Sniff everybody; if they smell Ok, they’re a friend. Things that can’t be avoided are best dealt with graciously. (No snapping or growling.) […]