I like to think I’ve taught Nemo a lot, but I know for sure I’ve learned many lessons from him. These are only a few: Food is good. It is to be enjoyed without guilt or worry about calories. Relaxation fuels the body, mind and spirit; any place is a good place to […]
Ending of Summer, Beginning of Fall
This post from last year seems to be exactly what I’m feeling this morning. Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day […]

The Excitement of an Ordinary Day
·Yesterday was what Jane would call an ordinary day. She and I agreed that ordinary days, where everything goes smoothly, begins and ends nicely, is an ordinary day. In fact, an ordinary day is extraordinary, the very best kind of day. Do you ever look back at the day or week and count the changes, […]

A Chat with a Character
·A Chat with a Character Sometimes we readers wonder what our favorite characters are doing behind the scenes, those times between books. This morning, we drop in on the heroine of Moonlight Can Be Murder and By the Fright of the Silvery Moon ,Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil, Ned to her friends (except Miss Ann, who insists […]

When In Danger or In Doubt, Make a Decision
·When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout. Or, better yet, make a decision. I hate hovering between two or more choices, don’t you? Yet, sometimes a choice seems impossible to make because I don’t know the outcome. Running in circles, screaming and shouting doesn’t help much, but that’s what comes to […]

While Driving Down the Street One Day
·While driving down the street one day in the merry month of May…I was taken by surprise by a sight that met my eyes. For a moment, it took my breath away! There I was, just driving down the busy street, watching traffic, and I met a man on a motorcycle. Nothing wrong with that […]