For some reason, my protagonists, Darcy, Flora, Nettie, are always running into problems. Well, let’s be honest – they run into lots of problems and that’s what makes the story. They face danger, death, and desperation with the same fear and trembling that you or I would but, due to their firm resolve to […]

Untangling the Web
·Why do you pick up a cozy mystery and read? Is it because you like the characters or is it the setting? Do you like to try to untangle that snarled web of a mystery before the protagonist does? Have you noticed that in the cozy mystery genre, there’s a lot of leeway, a lot […]

What Did You Mean When You Said Hello?
What Did You Mean When You Said, “Hello?” “What on earth are you talking about, Cub?” I asked the big, red-faced man who jumped off the seat of his dirt mover. “What did you mean there’s something in the well?” The whole book is based on that question and Darcy wondering if it was Best […]

My Coffee, Gregg Shorthand, My Wicked Imagination
Coffee has gotten me through some difficult situations. So has Gregg shorthand. Oh yes, those shorthand instructors in high school and college would be proud of me. After yea, these many years, I still remember. And, boy! Does it come in handy. When I’m in a situation where I’m uncomfortable or bored or a bit […]

A Day Late and a Dollar Short
Have you ever heard that old saying, “I’m just a day late and a dollar short?” Well, that’s me this morning. I slept right through the red blood moon and I missed last night’s State of the Union address by President Trump. I’m sure many of you saw both and you are to be congratulated! […]