I have a soft spot in my heart for Manx cats. My mother’s cat, Boxcar, was a Manx. Boxcar had only one litter of kittens in her entire life, two little Siamese and a tiny runt, born a whole day after the first two. The little guy was a Manx and looked just like her. […]

A Small Gift for You
What am I celebrating? You, my readers! As a way of saying Thank you for being a fan of Darcy and Flora as well as Ned, I’d like to send you a pen. All you have to do is share this blog on your Facebook page or in a blog post. When you’ve shared […]

Within the Pages of a Journal
·Today, we are taking a peek at a page in the journal of Ned McNeil. You can read about her and her friends and her lovely but mysterious old house in Moonlight Can Be Murder and By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. September 14 — It is hard to believe that this is the […]

Darcy, Flora, and Ned Go to Tahlequah
·Yesterday, Darcy, Flora, Ned and I went to an author’s fair at the Tahlequah Library. Rain pelted us on the way and the day was dark, but did that dampen our spirits? Of course not! Our hearts were light and sunny and that’s what mattered. The authors were put into the Carnegie Room, which […]

The Mystery of the Wandering Chicken
·I’ve looked out my kitchen window and seen many things: children, cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, birds, but yesterday was the first time I’ve looked out and seen a chicken. Where did it come from? I don’t know and can only guess. It was thirsty. It hopped up on the bird bath and drank and drank. […]

Moonstruck and Murderous
·Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil cozy, is in its finishing up stage. I thought you might like to read an excerpt. Ned needs a quiet place to think about the mysteries swirling around her and what could possibly be behind them. She goes to her old home place just to feel the […]