It’s a Mystery to Me

It’s a Mystery to Me

So many things are a mystery to me. Why did this or that happen? Why do people act or speak the way they do? It’s fun to try to look behind the obvious. Cozy mysteries are fun because they do just that. Darcy and Flora, Ned and her friends–they delve into the reason behind the […]

Begin Again

Something about autumn puts in a remembering mood. Does it do that to you, or are you filled with vim and vitality for a brand new season? I was thinking about books. I’ve read a couple of good ones lately that I didn’t want to end, but the good thing is they are in a […]

Murder By Moonlight

Murder By Moonlight

I did it! Finished Murder By Moonlight, the fourth Ned McNeil cozy mystery. That is to say, I’ve gotten to the end of the book. Now begins the arduous task of editing, editing, editing. It’ll be a while. Writing Murder By Moonlight was such fun. It’s a little different, in that the book centers around […]

Cozy Sleuths

Cozy Sleuths

Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mother, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or another, and danger is the neighborhood of Darcy and her mother. A lovely, sunny Sunday in the magic month of May, finds them getting ready for their Decoration […]

Shadowy, Significant Clues

Shadowy, Significant Clues

We all like to find them, don’t we? It’s sort of an aha! moment to run across something significant when reading a mystery. But, beware. Sometimes what looks like a clue isn’t a clue. It’s merely a red herring that a sly and devious author has dragged across the path, to turn you in another […]

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries

  Does weather affect life? Indeed, it does. Flights are cancelled, trips are re-scheduled, schools are closed, plans are completely re-arranged, all because of the weather or the threat of bad weather, or earthquakes. (As a side note, last night, I saw part of an old movie about an imaginary earthquake shaking New York City. […]