We’ve been together for a good while–Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker and me. Ned McNeil I’ve known not as long but she has become a good friend too. All three women exist only in my imagination and in the pages of books but, in a way, they are real. Maybe they are real to you too. […]

A Strange and Mysterious Day
The day began in a strange and mysterious way. Before daylight, thunder and rain moved in. A dark, damp world greeted the morning. The house lay still and silent, listening, waiting, wondering. A distant train whistle rose and fell, a mournful, ghostly sound. Inside the house, someone stirred. The coffee pot clicked and purred. Soon, the fragrance of the early morning […]

A Cat, a House, and a Story
·My name is Penny. I am a cat. I live in a big Victorian house with a woman named Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil. Her friends call her Ned. She’s a nice woman, always makes sure my food dish doesn’t go empty and when she has ice cream, she shares it with me. I like living […]

The Things We Don’t See
·Sometimes the things we don’t see are more real than the things we do see. Let me explain. When someone greets me and says, “Hello. How are you?” I realize they don’t really want to know that I found it hard to sleep last night, I have a leg ache, and several worries just won’t […]

A Legacy of Reading
What is your legacy? What did you inherit? What was handed down to you from someone in your past? A hefty bank account? A home? A prized possession? Or, was it something more intangible and even more precious? I like watching The Antiques Roadshow. It’s always heart-warming when an item is brought to the show […]