Go inside the house if a thunderstorm approaches. Don’t stand under a tree to get out of the rain. If you can’t find a safe indoor place, hunker down on the ground, making as small a target as possible. We all know you shouldn’t mess around with lightning. Yet, on this date in 1752, Ben […]

Four Fabulous Free Days
·FREE BOOK ALERT! Fetch a free By the Fright of the Silvery Moon Kindle here! www.amazon.com/dp/B073PMGZQ4 TELL A FRIEND! Everybody loves a bargain and through June 2, the second book in the Ned McNeil moonlight series is free as a kindle book on Amazon. Be sure to order yours, tell a friend, and enjoy the exploits of […]

Five Fabulous Days of Free Reading
·What do you get when you start with an indomitable, adventuresome heroine who just happens to live in a house with a pretty interesting past, add a deserted church, a legend of an old-time, ruthless outlaw, and plunk the whole thing down in a small, rural town in Oklahoma? You get By the Fright of […]

Coffee and a Brand New Mystery
Rain tiptoed in some time this morning. I wouldn’t have known, but it left its footprints on my deck. Just a trace, a smattering, but the sky is still dark, so maybe there’s more to come. A portent of a wet Thursday? As I was writing the Ned book, you know, the one about that […]

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice
·…Well, the voice isn’t really mysterious, but what she’s saying may be thought to be–at least, it is supposed to fit into a cozy mystery and that makes it mysterious, doesn’t it? And, no one else can hear her except me but don’t think I’ve gone round the bend because hearing her is a good […]

What Lay Beneath the Moonlight?
·What Lay Beneath the Moonlight? An ancient church, deserted now, lay in a silv’ry light, Keeping watch o’er those who slept throughout the silent night. Did shadows move among the stones, was evil lurking near? Or was it just the moonlight and an old, remembered fear? Secrets lay beneath the soil that none alive now […]