Dreams! I don’t mean hopes and goals, I mean the things that pass through our minds as we sleep. Do you pay any attention to them? I’ve read that some are caused by what has happened during the day, or perhaps long ago. Some are subconscious thoughts and worries that surface while we sleep. I […]

A Wish Written in Stone
·Oklahoma and Arkansas have interesting, sometimes violent histories. History isn’t dead or dull; it is part of where we are today and how we came to be this way, and it’s fun to go exploring, backward, into the lives and times of those who lived and died before us. Just across the state line […]

What To Do with Endings
·This morning as I look out at a dark, damp world and the beginning of a new day, with another school year fast approaching, I think of beginnings. And, endings. July has ended, another summer is nearly gone and August is here–the month when schools start and teachers and children troop back to the classroom. […]

Release Day
·Release day for the third Ned McNeil moonlight cozy mystery. Is this the shiveriest one yet? Moonstruck and Murderous is now available as a Kindle on Amazon, as well as a print book. Just click on this link: www.amazon.com/dp/B07TW83PDD The amazing cover picture to Moonstruck has a story of its own. The old house, […]

Wondering What They’ll Do Next
·This morning, I feel a little sad, a little lost. Getting a book ready for publication is rather like a whirlwind. Then, when it’s completely finished, the quiet is deafening. I miss Ned and Pat, Jackie, Miss Ann, Cade, and all the rest of them. I even miss the bad guys. And, believe me, they […]

The End Is In Sight
·The end is in sight! The end to preparation, that is, and the beginning of a new book release. My publisher sent the proof for Moonstruck and Murderous. So, I’m going through once more, checking to see that all is as error-free as humanly possible. And, you know a funny thing? Now that I’m […]