Okay, Cozy Critters, and anyone else who has an opinion. What do you think of this as an opening for my fifth Ned McNeil moonlight mystery? I’m not going to finish this here, I’m working on it, though. Just wanted to ask if this is an opening that makes you want to read more. What […]

An Apparition?
·Have you read it yet? Murder By Moonlight, newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery. It’s available on Amazon. It’s free with Kindle Unlimited. Thunder growled, ever closer. Those empty rooms of the house must surely be too dark for a proper photographing session, which was a relief, because I didn’t relish the idea of being inside […]

Firmly Resolving
·The characters in my books have no hang-ups about expressing their opinions or, as it turns out, their New Year’s resolutions. Yesterday, those from Levi, Oklahoma spoke up. Today, a few from Ednalee tell us what they hope for the year 2022. Ned McNeil: My cell phone–I am going to try never to forget to have […]
Blue Jeans Writer
·Just call me the Blue Jeans Writer. I’m more comfortable in a pair of jeans than anything else, have been since I was pre-teen. In summer, it’s tee shirt and jeans. In winter, it’s sweatshirt and jeans. This morning, the temperature is a chilly forty-seven degrees, so back to my dear old warm sweatshirts. Ah-h, […]
Paw Prints
·Hi there. This is Ulysses speaking. I’m a dog. Not just any dog. I have a nose for snooping, and I live with Ned McNeil. It wasn’t always this way. I do not even like to think back to my previous life. Let me just say that it wasn’t happy and it involved being tied […]