Ring those bells, give a shout; Look what has just come about! The day has finally arrived–a full two weeks early! I am pleased to announce Moonlight Can Be Murder in its complete, reader-friendly, mysterious best, ready for you on Amazon.com and Pen-L.com, both in ebook and paperback. As if this were not enough excitement for one […]

Just a House
Houses are fascinating, especially old houses. In my mind, I go inside the house and reclaim it. I shore up sagging beams, put new shingles on the roof, paint walls and ceilings, lay hardwood floors. A fireplace goes in, if it is possible. If the house already has a fireplace, well and good; however, the mantel […]

What Did You Say?
·I had the oddest dream last night. Sometimes my daily activities invade my dreams. Or at least, mine did last night. In my dream, I was teaching a class of writers. This was their assignment: write a scene using conversation between two people or among more than two people to move the action along. Dialogue! Quotation marks! Actual words of speakers! How […]

Monsters Attack
Never mind that they are minute. Size doesn’t matter. They are mean. They are yucky. They are decidedly an unwelcome, biting nuisance. Oak tree mites have descended on NWA and also Oklahoma. http://www.tulsaworld.com/homepagelatest/yikes-oak-tree-mites-bring-chigger-like-bite-outbreak-from/article_23003330-d5bf-5399-9e60-8ceeed670b5b.html The first inkling I had of their unwelcome presence was seeing them on my bird baths in the back yard. Small, white […]

Coffee, Cookies, Critique, Friends
·When friends get together with coffee and cookies, it’s a fun time. Throw in a rousing critique, mix with a lot of laughter, and you have a recipe for a very good day. We Cozy Critters have met when snow lay on the ground, when we had to dodge raindrops, when the wind was so strong it blew over Peg’s […]

Ducks and Eggs and Minnesota
I asked my niece Michelle Albrecht to write about her and little brother Steven’s adventures on a Minnesota lake when they were children. Her method of gathering duck eggs was unique and while not many of us were privileged to view and retrieve eggs several feet down in the cold, cold, clear water, it was undoubtedly […]