Someone once told me she wasn’t sure my books were cozies. Surprising. I thought they were. Then, I realized she meant that sometimes they lost their coziness and became downright scary. I agree they aren’t exactly bedtime stories. Here are some random excerpts, taken from Moonlight Can Be Murder: Ulysses stood, white fangs bared. Why didn’t Vermouth […]
Home Is a Place Where Love Lives
Home: a place of safety, a refuge, a comforting place where I can be me. During this Christmas season, people’s thoughts are toward home. One of the Christmas songs, “There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” says it pretty well. Home may be large or it may be small; richly furnished or barely furnished […]
Thanksgiving’s Afterglow
This is a decidedly wet, soggy, dark, rainy morning and I am basking in Thanksgiving’s afterglow. It is a warm, contented, drowsy feeling. Yesterday was such a special day. As my family and I gathered around Mom’s hundred-year old table, laden with food, my heart overflowed with thankfulness to God for His goodness. The Lord […]

Food for the Spirit
·So many things for which to be thankful! It’s good to remember them every day of the year, not only at Thanksgiving. To my way of thinking, thankful people are healthier, happier, and a whole lot more fun to be around than old grumps! Don’t you agree? My generous Lord showers me with the invaluable […]

My Close Friend the Turkey
Here’s how a turkey came home with me when I wasn’t expecting him. You see, it all happened this way: yesterday, I went to the food store just to pick up a few things. Well, first one thing led to another. I remembered more and more of what I needed until my grocery cart was […]

How Do You Spell Gratitude?
With autumn in the air and the remembered aroma of turkey and pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving can’t be far away! As well as a holiday for getting together with family and friends, this is a time for reflecting upon life’s many blessings, a time to embrace gratitude. What am I especially thankful for? So many blessings raise their hands, like […]