What does my white mulberry tree know that no other tree knows? What is the secret that the wind whispers to it during the night? Only the tree knows; I don’t. But every year, and not at the same time each year, it drops all or almost all of its leaves on the ground. Oh, […]
And, a Fond Farewell
·Out with the old, in with the new. I guess. But, wait minute–didn’t August just get started? What happened to the month? Anyway, that’s what the calendar says, so enjoy this day, August 31. It won’t come again for another whole year. There’s definitely a hint of fall in the air. Mornings are cool, […]
Learning Time
School has started in my neck of the woods–children and teachers returning to fresh adventures, seeing old friends and making new ones. Hopefully, this will be a fun-filled, safe year for all. I wondered, as I looked out at bird baths this morning, if birds need to learn bird-things from their parents, or if it […]

Among Green, Growing Things
·Yesterday, I worked in my front flower garden, pulling out tiny maple sprouts, checking to see if any wildflowers are poking through the ground. So far, one lone zinnia. I wonder why more haven’t come up? I planted a lot of heirloom seeds. The squash plant is doing great, blooming, looking healthy. I hope it […]
·One night in Oklahoma, several years ago a strong wind came through. Oklahoma’s winds are not to be trifled with and this one was no exception. It wasn’t a twisting, swirling wind of a tornado, but a straight, hard one that blew over a huge catalpa tree that had stood in my parents’ back yard […]