One of the things that’s so neat about this Arkansas town is that fields, pastures, and woods are just a block or two away, and oh, my goodness! I hope it stays that way. It seems that every time I look, another pasture has been gobbled up by “progress”. In just the time I’ve lived […]
November Morning
It is really looking like fall this morning. The maples in front and back yards are almost bare of leaves. Those that are left are a pale orange against the backdrop of dark limbs. The yard is carpeted in those leaves and this morning, they are soggy. Yes! We’ve had more much-needed, wonderful rain. I’m […]
Poetically Speaking
I’ve kept a lot of my writings, especially those that sold to various magazines. I stuffed a lot of past writing sales into an old three-ring notebook. These two poems were written a long time ago to two different Christian children’s magazines of widely differing beliefs. But, you know what? Both magazines’ editors liked poems. […]

Nature’s Surprise
This morning as I looked out at my front yard flower garden, I saw three small mushrooms or toadstools, I don’t know which. That’s not too surprising except that last night, they weren’t there. They are maybe three or four inches tall. I know that’s what mushrooms do–they spring up quickly. I wonder if I […]

The summer solstice slipped up on me but here it is, once again. It’s the longest day and the shortest night of the year. After today, the days will ever so slowly begin to shorten and the nights will ever so slowly begin to lengthen. But, summer is here and it’s a beautiful day, so […]