“Clara!” she screamed, beating on the wall. “Clara! Get us out of here. Hurry!” She pounded on the wall with both fists, her phone on the floor at her feet. Maybelle crowded close beside her, adding her howls to the racket. At last, spent and breathless, Agnes sank down beside her dog and cat. Clara’s […]
The Discovery
·Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]
The Disappearance
·Agnes drew a long breath. “It seems to me…” She was interrupted by the sound of running feet. Maybelle dashed past her legs, Candy in close pursuit. Clara gasped. “What in the world?” “Oh, it’s that cat!” Agnes sputtered. “If she catches Maybelle, she’ll jump right onto her. I’ve got to put […]
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night…
·Agnes had always known that Clara was a champion storyteller. Not that she was prone to exaggeration, but she had a way with words. This should be a good ghost story. “You see, this house is very old, dating back to before the Civil War. It was built by General Beauregard Compton, particularly for […]
Unexplained and Mysterious
·Street lights are blurred and uncertain; familiar sights are alien beings. Swirling with misty fingers, fog lies across the town. Fenceposts, half in, half out of sight, seem to float. Dampness beads mailbox and leaves. This is a mysterious landscape in which nothing seems to be real. All is hushed and waiting. What crouches here, […]
Remember Miss Georgia?
·Abigail kept up a continual chatter as she fixed supper. Miss Georgia offered to help. “Thank you, yes. Would you mind making your delicious pie crust? I’ll use these blackberries I canned from last summer. We’ll have a blackberry cobbler to top off our pork chops.” Miss Georgia was surprised to find how much she […]