
This part of the state is under a thunderstorm watch. After the heat and humidity of yesterday, the relative coolness this morning is welcome. Thunderstorms? Well, they are interesting and necessary. I just hope this one doesn’t lose its temper and become violent. Putting water into birdbaths is a must all year round.  Little feathered […]

A Crawly World

A Crawly World

Who Was That Little Fellow?

This isn’t St. Patrick’s Day, but, oh well…the world is pretty and green this morning, so here’s a stretch to the imagination. One soft and misty morning, on a day so fine and rare, My heart felt light as birdsong, without one single care, As I strode through the heather into a forest tall, I […]

Nemo and the Squirrels

Nemo and the Squirrels

A Ballad I am a noble watchdog, I’m valiant and kind, But squirrels in the back yard Cause me to lose my mind. They skitter up the maple; they chatter and they scold. The awful names they call me Would make your blood run cold. They are, of course, mere cowards; they’re brave up in […]

History Has Its Mysteries

Writers of mysteries have only to look back in history to find inspiration. Just a hint of a mystery is enough to get a writer started with, what if… From its earliest days, America has had its share of real life mysteries. In fact, a Puritan leader, John Winthrop, one of the founders of Boston, […]

The Mysterious Stranger

The Mysterious Stranger

He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]