You’ll never guess what special day falls on April 1. Sure, I know it’s April Fool’s Day and hope and energy are in the air as well as a lot of jokes about shoe laces being untied. But April 1 is also International Tatting Day! Honestly. Yes, today is only March 30 and I’m a couple of days […]

When My Mind Wanders Into Country
·Do you ever feel caught up in a whirlwind, as if time is spinning past and you have no way of stopping it? To illustrate how quickly autumn is progressing toward winter, I made another picture of my maple. The top picture shows the way it looked only a few days ago. The bottom shows […]
They Never Saw the Light of Day
I have dreams of being organized and disciplined in my writing with everything neatly catalogued and filed away under proper headings. But oh, dear me! I’ve got notebooks crammed with copies of poems or stories sold, sample copies of magazines in which said stories or poems appeared, notebooks filled with my writings which editors bought […]