“Sit down and wet your whistle.” What? What does that mean? A dry mouth and lips don’t whistle very well, so, this was a welcoming invitation, to come in, sit down, and have something to drink. I grew up hearing whistling. Dad didn’t whistle as much as Mom did. Dad sang a lot, but when […]

Autumn Rain
·Autumn rain falls in the darkness of early morning. Leaves lift their thirsty heads, puddles form around the flowers, bowing under the downpour. There’s something special about autumn rain. It’s a tucking away of summer’s heat, sort of readying the earth for a new season. It is invigorating and lazy at the same time. It’s […]
Puddles and Ponderings
·When I was a child, Dad had a pond below the house by the barn. I used to drop a rock in that pond and watch the circles spread. Small circles at first, but spreading wider and wider. Life experiences are like that rock. They disturb the small surface of the pond and spread, sometimes […]

Ready Or Not
·Happy Labor Day! Wherever you are and whatever your plans, my hope is that you have a happy, safe day. If you are not in the Bahamas, be grateful for that, but, please, spare some thoughts, hopes, and prayers for the people there. They are going through devastation. I was watching a YouTube broadcast […]

A Crash Above Our Heads
·Nemo and I were watching television last night (well, I was watching a nature video and reading; Nemo was sort of doing neither) when, with no warning, directly over the house, came a loud CRASH. I looked at my suddenly alert dog. “Was that thunder?” “Dumb question,” he said. “What else?” And, that was the […]