Street lights are blurred and uncertain; familiar sights are alien beings. Swirling with misty fingers, fog lies across the town. Fenceposts, half in, half out of sight, seem to float. Dampness beads mailbox and leaves. This is a mysterious landscape in which nothing seems to be real. All is hushed and waiting. What crouches here, […]

Your Big Toe and Mysteries
·Does your big toe ache when a storm is approaching? Does your cat lick its paws excessively? Does your dog pace the floor and stick close by your side? Do you feel the urge to lose yourself in a cozy mystery? For some strange and unknown reason, mysteries and weather somehow go together. For example, […]

Deceptive and Dangerous
·The ancient brick mansion looked as silent and still as a painting in the moonlight. Nothing and no one moved. But, the serenity of the Carver Mansion was only surface-deep. The secrets of the past had pervaded the estate, marking the inhabitant for terror or even murder. Was the tiny, fragile owner hallucinating when she […]

Only the Wind and the Moonlight
·The rain stopped and I turned off my windshield wipers. About halfway to Myra’s home, I realized no one in the whole world knew where I was and that was not a good thing. I speed-dialed Cade but got no answer, only his voice mail. Leaving a message, I told him where I’d be. Hopefully, […]
Murky and Mysterious
·He holds his head high, looking squarely at the world without shrinking. He has not had an easy life. You can tell that he hasn’t, by the battered condition of his once handsome coat. What adventures has he known? What has he seen? What caused all those scrapes and tatters? He knows, but he doesn’t […]