I was hoping that Hurricane Francine would throw some nice showers into dry Arkansas. I’m not sure about the rest of the state but here in the northwest corner, we got hardly a trace. Not enough to register in my rain gauge. However, did the disappointment from Francine keep me from continuing with Miss Tootsie […]
Night and the Animals
Backyard bushes, green and flowering in warm weather, become gray, drab sprigs in the winter. The birds don’t mind. When moonlight silvers the yard, they crowd deep into the thick twigs, twittering and chirping, discussing the day’s happenings, content to be hidden by darkness and their stubbly cover. A few wild, forest creatures slip into […]
October and Its Mysteries
·You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest and tucking in of plants and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]

It’s foggy this morning with heavy fog warnings. So, I’m re-posting a fog poem from a few years back. Foggy Fracas The door swung softly open, And, swirling soundlessly, Many misty visitors Soon encircled me. My silent guests seemed sullen, Swathed in dripping gowns; They fixed their watery eyes on me And frowned their dripping […]

The Mysterious Stranger
·He moves on four white, silent feet along my neighbor’s sidewalk, this quiet, watchful newcomer. He sits on the porch a while, thinking about things. Where did he come from? Where is he going? Is he just out for a morning stroll or is he on a mission? Cats are secret, mysterious creatures. They keep their […]

The Discovery
·Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]