Happy first day of winter and the shortest day of the year! For those of you who are counting (and I know you are out there) the days will very slowly begin to lengthen now until around March 21, they’ll be equal in length to the nights again. Isn’t that great? My mother didn’t like […]
The Canebrake
·Canebrake ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebrake by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]

‘Possums and Rain
Wonderful rain this morning! So far, two inches. We had 3/4 of an inch yesterday, so this is great! Trees, houses, yards are all a soggy gray, but that’s a good color. Something else soggy and gray was a big ‘possum I saw this morning–I’m glad he escaped Nemo’s notice. He was moving at a […]
Ice That Will Bear Up a Duck?
You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest and tucking in of plants and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]

September’s Song
It’s hard to believe that this is the last day of September! Do you suppose time is really passing faster? Has the earth speeded up in its spinning? Sometimes, it seems that way. The birds are becoming more active. Bluejays screech in the back yard and this morning, a small wren came to pay her […]