The Shivers

“Let’s tell scary stories,” I said. “OK,” both Sara and Nathan agreed. So I went first. I thought I was doing pretty well, building up to the exciting and shivery climax. “Mem, that’s not scary,” one of them said. “Wait, wait!” I protested. “I haven’t gotten to the really good part yet.” Then when my […]

New November

New November

November winds sweep up the leaves of October, tidying the yard for the snows of December. November people, you have reason to celebrate. Your beautiful birthstone is the yellow or amber topaz, a symbol of honor, strength, longevity, and wisdom.  Your flower is the fragrant chrysanthemum. November’s full moon is the Beaver Moon. Fun Old […]

Remember Miss Georgia?

Abigail kept up a continual chatter as she fixed supper. Miss Georgia offered to help. “Thank you, yes. Would you mind making your delicious pie crust? I’ll use these blackberries I canned from last summer. We’ll have a blackberry cobbler to top off our pork chops.” Miss Georgia was surprised to find how much she […]

Just Wait

There’s an old saying, If you don’t like the weather, just wait a bit and it’ll change. It has certainly done that! From being terribly dry to an inch of rain and from being hot to 43 degrees. One day, the air conditioner, the next, the furnace. I told my Minnesota family, who are visiting […]

A Clue in the Wallpaper?

A Clue in the Wallpaper?

Sleep was hard to come by that night. My dreams were riddled with ghosts and scraps of paper which kept floating just beyond my grasp. When a tumble-down house fell in on me, I awoke, my heart pounding. I’d had enough. Stumbling downstairs, I aimed my feet toward the kitchen.             The nightmares were one […]

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

I’ve been thinking a lot about words. Written, spoken, sung, words have sunk ships, started wars, promoted peace, and sealed agreements. They are powerful and, used wrongly, they can do tremendous harm.  I think that, sometimes, it’s not what is said as much as how it’s said that causes problems. Remember the story of the […]