Is This Tuesday?

Is This Tuesday?

I’m convinced this is Tuesday. Yesterday, I was convinced today would be Wednesday. For some reason, I was one day ahead all yesterday. I had rolled my trash can halfway into the yard before I realized–whoa! I’m one day off. Not to worry. I’ll probably get my days straight before tomorrow. Maybe. It’s such a […]

How About Your Soul?

How About Your Soul?

June is a summer month, but, all too soon, the warm, lazy days of summer will pass and the chilly winds of autumn will be upon us. I hope I can keep the warmth of summer in my soul, though, to remember when darkness comes early and the flowers fade. And, imagination–the spirit that can’t […]

Rhymed Reminisces

by Blanche Day Manos Don’t tell me they are gone, for I can see them still The house, the spring, the burr oak tree, the barn beneath the hill. I smell the sausage sizzling, I hear the rooster crow, The sounds and scents of each new day that woke me long ago. I feel the […]

To See Is To Conquer

To See Is To Conquer

I had been meaning to clean out that closet for a long time; I mean a really long time. So, what better time than a rainy afternoon? Feeling virtuous can energize a person so, knowing that I was bent on doing a needed, worthwhile deed, I dug in. Some things are  hard to let go […]

Life’s Mysteries

Life’s Mysteries

I’ve noticed something in the last few years. In fact, I’ve noticed several things for which I have no answers. Why, for example, is the print on any kind of label so small? It would take a magnifying glass to read it. Or, maybe it was written for little, tiny elves, with little, squinchy eyes?  […]

Remembering the Men of D-Day

Remembering the Men of D-Day

This is D-Day. It happened in 1944, a lot of years ago, a hellish time for the men who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands died, many miles from home; young men who stood between us and tyranny. Because of them, I am able to enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up in a free […]