The Wheels of the Truck

The Wheels of the Truck

A beautiful morning. I’ve been out in the back yard with Nemo and my cup of coffee. The wildflower seeds I planted are still looking OK. I hope they grow and spread. A funny  thing–some seeds I planted years ago are poking up. That’s okay with me. I like happy surprises. People are out walking, […]

Early Morning

Early Morning

In the early morning darkness, a dove calls. It’s a homey sound. The robins are quiet, maybe busy with their nests and feeding babies. I like the stillness of early morning, before the business of the day. I like to think about possibilities and dreams. Nemo roams the yard with me, his wonderful nose telling […]

Murder By Moonlight

Murder By Moonlight

I did it! Finished Murder By Moonlight, the fourth Ned McNeil cozy mystery. That is to say, I’ve gotten to the end of the book. Now begins the arduous task of editing, editing, editing. It’ll be a while. Writing Murder By Moonlight was such fun. It’s a little different, in that the book centers around […]

A Tribute to Dad

Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my son, Matt Manos, who is a super father. Just ask his children. I think of my father every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because Dad isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing […]

Spring’s Last Fling

Spring’s Last Fling

Do you know what today is? It’s the last day of spring 2020! Tomorrow, summer begins. So, we should celebrate, have a spring fling, throw a virtual party, or something. Me? Well, tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll celebrate summer’s arrival by offering one of the Darcy and Flora books free from Amazon! Watch for it. I’ve […]

Signs of Danger

Signs of Danger

Today’s post is my opinion on what I see happening. My opinion is the only one I have. If you think it may offend you, please read no further. I am more than a little concerned about all the dissent around us. I’m sure you are too. I don’t watch national news and very little […]