A beautiful morning. I’ve been out in the back yard with Nemo and my cup of coffee. The wildflower seeds I planted are still looking OK. I hope they grow and spread. A funny thing–some seeds I planted years ago are poking up. That’s okay with me. I like happy surprises. People are out walking, […]

Early Morning
·In the early morning darkness, a dove calls. It’s a homey sound. The robins are quiet, maybe busy with their nests and feeding babies. I like the stillness of early morning, before the business of the day. I like to think about possibilities and dreams. Nemo roams the yard with me, his wonderful nose telling […]
A Tribute to Dad
Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my son, Matt Manos, who is a super father. Just ask his children. I think of my father every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because Dad isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing […]

Spring’s Last Fling
·Do you know what today is? It’s the last day of spring 2020! Tomorrow, summer begins. So, we should celebrate, have a spring fling, throw a virtual party, or something. Me? Well, tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll celebrate summer’s arrival by offering one of the Darcy and Flora books free from Amazon! Watch for it. I’ve […]

Signs of Danger
·Today’s post is my opinion on what I see happening. My opinion is the only one I have. If you think it may offend you, please read no further. I am more than a little concerned about all the dissent around us. I’m sure you are too. I don’t watch national news and very little […]