Apple Picking Time

Apple Picking Time

In September, I begin to think about apples. At Manos Meadows, we had two apple trees. One was a dwarf Jonathan apple tree in the yard. Apples from this tree made delicious pies. Sometimes, I’d pick them before they got completely ripe, wash and core them, slice them, and put them and an adequate amount […]

Tell Me a Story

Tell Me a Story

Most of us like to listen to a good story. Some of my earliest memories are of Dad’s stories about when he was young, and then, Mom’s stories which we put into a couple of Etta Bend books. Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment. Can’t you just see early day people gathered in round […]

As I Sit Here, Thinking

As I Sit Here, Thinking

As I sit here, thinking this morning about this and that, sipping my coffee, I’m rather amazed that I got here so fast. By “here”, I mean this stage of life. Sometimes, I try to make sense of it all. Do you do that too, when your house is quiet and you’re alone with your […]

Spoken Thoughts

Spoken Thoughts

It’s such an extraordinary thing to hear my own thoughts spoken aloud by someone else! How’d that happen, you may ask? It’s all because of audible books. I love them. My publisher is having the Ned McNeil books put into audible form. All of the four Darcy and Flora books are already available as audibles. […]

What Was That Sound?

What Was That Sound?

This morning, a strange sound woke me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. It had a nice ring to it as it plunked onto something metal outside. Another noise over-shadowed it, a soft rumble. Aha! Thunder! Rain. At last, it was raining. Now, the morning is still dark. Rain has stopped, but the clouds promise […]

Shelling Corn

Shelling Corn

My mother, Susie Latty Day, told me this story about a fun time during her childhood. The year was around 1918. These are her words. One chore we always enjoyed was shelling corn to be taken to the grist mill and ground into meal. At supper, Papa would announce that we had to shell corn […]