After a stormy night and early morning, the sun comes up on a wet, windy world. Spring and storms sort of go together in these parts. Thankful for the rain, we could also do without the damaging wind and hail. But, what to do about it? Not one thing, except be aware and be as […]
In a Nutshell
Have you ever asked someone the time and she tells you how to build a clock? Sometimes a simple answer is better than a long one. This morning, I’ve listed my eight cozy mysteries and described each one with only three words. Do you agree? How would you describe each of them, using only three […]
It’s No Joke
It’s no joke–we are actually into another brand-new month. I’m not sure where March went–perhaps it was blown away on one of those blustery winds. April is a wonderful month. April people, you have a great gemstone–the diamond. Next to a cozy mystery, a diamond may be a girl’s best friend! April’s special flowers are […]
The Moon and Me
As I write this morning, a nearly full moon peers down at me from between the branches of the white mulberry and the maple. It is beautiful and silent, hanging up there in the sky as it has done for who knows how many years, faithfully doing what it was assigned to do and looking […]
March Moonstruck or Madness?
This month, I’ll be highlighting my March mystery, Moonstruck and Murderous. March, that year, was different. For one thing, there were two full moons–a month of a blue moon–and everyone knows that anything can happen during a month like that. Just ask Pat, one of Ned McNeil’s closest friends. It all started when Ned paid […]
Several years ago, when my critique group, the Cozy Critters, was meeting at my house, those gentle pointers helped me a great deal in writing the Darcy and Flora and Ned mysteries. They were a fun group and I’ll never fail to be amazed at how we all found each other and the great rapport […]