I was going through a box of old pictures the other day and came across a little folder of school pictures. I mean, these were really ancient! The children in these photos were from my grade school days. I sat down and turned the plastic picture sleeve holders and went back a few decades. Funny, […]

Did You Hear That Noise?
·It gives me a fright when things out of sight go bumping and thumping around. My limbs start to shake and I’m wide awake on hearing an Invisible Sound. What could it be? I’m too frightened to see, so I stay covered up in my bed. Will it go away? It may if […]
Flavorful Cozies
·What flavor do you like in a cozy mystery? One of my fellow writers mentioned the other day, that there’s a wide range of topics and writing styles under the broad heading of Cozy Mysteries. They all have similarities, certainly, else they wouldn’t be cozy. Some of them, however, have a bit of supernatural and […]
Celebrating Labor Day
·A question–why is a day we don’t have to work called Labor Day? Shouldn’t it be called Non-Labor Day or Fun Day or Put Your Feet Up and Read a Book Day? This Labor Day will be different for many because of the new regulations. Not so different for me. Each Labor Day, as an […]